Subject: Spanish
Topic: Fashion
Time Allotment: 50 minutes
Grade Level: 9-12
Teaching Date
I. Instructional Goals
Students will use the vocabulary they have learned to earn various clothing items out of a chest at the front of the room. With this clothing, they will be able to put together outfits that will be critiqued by their classmates.
II. Performance Objectives
Students will use the vocabulary they have learned to collect clothing items for their groups. (understanding) They will work in groups to create a product (applying) that will be judged by their classmates. (evaluation)
III. Standards
1. Recognize target language words and phrases spoken in context.
Examples: basic commands, classroom objects, cognates
Using the target language in oral and written form in the present time frame, including salutations, farewells, expressions of courtesy, likes, dislikes, feelings, emotions, agreement, disagreement, requests, descriptions, sequenced information, and cultural references where appropriate to interact in a variety of situations
2. Interpret basic oral and written information in the target language on a variety of topics in the present time frame.
Identifying main ideas with some details
Guessing words and phrases based on context
Responding to basic instructions and questions
8. Identify similarities and differences between words in the target language and in English, including pronunciation, intonation, stress patterns, and simple written conventions of language.
IV. Teaching/Learning Procedures:
Activity Time
A. Motivation/Introduction (5 minutes)
When students arrive, they will see the chest at the front of the room. They will go to their groups as I introduce the game we are going to play.
B. Teaching/Learning Activities
1. Students in groups will send one representative at a time to the treasure chest to draw an article of clothing. They must take turns and not send the same representative each time. When the representative draws the article, he must name it in Spanish to be able to take it back to his group. (30 minutes)
2. When all of the items are drawn, students will go to their groups to discuss how they want to put their outfit together. (10 minutes)
C. Closure
Have students put all their materials in a bag to keep them together and tell them about the fashion show we will have the next day. (5 minutes)
V. Materials/Media
Treasure chest of various clothing.
VI. Accommodations/Modifications
I will follow students’ IEPs.
VII. Assignments
VIII. Assessment
A. Informal (Describe)
1. While conducting the game, walk around and ensure students are participating without telling answers to others.
2. While they are working in groups, move through the class and stand near students who seem distracted. Provide help as needed.
B. Formal
To be completed at a later date.
IX. Professional Reflection
To be completed at a later date.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
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BTW, there's not "understanding" level of Bloom's taxonomy.