Thursday, June 10, 2010

Coffee House

I met with Jada Burns, Nick Sourvelis, and Ashley Woods for our coffee house discussion. I loved that we had all chosen different philosophers with very different beliefs. I was grateful to have Ashley in the group because she loves psychology and in a lot of ways I do not. As my life progresses, topics I once hated frequently become less terrible. It is easier for me to learn things like psychology when they are verbally explained to me. Her explanation of operant conditioning helped me understand how behaviorism works and how it can apply to students in education. In some ways, it will be necessary to condition students, but it is not how proper learning should take place.

We also discussed how little we had seen these theories practiced in our schooling. Nick mentioined that a veteran teacher he talked with said that all schools of education teach theory, but the administrators are always afraid to implement new things. We are also often told that we may not be 4MAT teachers, but I think that as we gain prowess in the use of 4MAT, we will be able to teach with it as second nature and that just a diagram of it on the wall will help us to remember to bring things full circle for our students.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that being part of a group was valuable to you.
