Day 10, Dressed to Thrill
Subject: Spanish
Topic: Clothing/Body Parts
Time Allotment: 50 minutes
Grade Level: 9-12
Grade Level: 9-12
Teaching Date:
I. Instructional Goals
Students will be able to name and identify various parts of the human body and articles of clothing. They will use the word “llevar” to help describe what a person is wearing or what he wears on each part of the body. For beginning levels, we will work only with present tense, but for advanced levels, we will use imperfect and preterite as well. The students will be familiar with the vocabulary by this point and they will be able to identify cognates when they see them.
II. Performance Objectives
Students will participate in in-class discussions in which they repeat after me. (comprehension) They will practice the proper pronunciation of the vocabulary words while they are shown a photograph of the item being described by the vocabulary words. (comprehension) We will discuss whether or not they like each article of clothing or if they would wear it themselves. (analysis) They will then work in groups to complete an assignment showing they can match the parts of the body with the article of clothing worn on that part of the body. (evaluation)
III. ACOS Standards
I. Instructional Goals
Students will be able to name and identify various parts of the human body and articles of clothing. They will use the word “llevar” to help describe what a person is wearing or what he wears on each part of the body. For beginning levels, we will work only with present tense, but for advanced levels, we will use imperfect and preterite as well. The students will be familiar with the vocabulary by this point and they will be able to identify cognates when they see them.
II. Performance Objectives
Students will participate in in-class discussions in which they repeat after me. (comprehension) They will practice the proper pronunciation of the vocabulary words while they are shown a photograph of the item being described by the vocabulary words. (comprehension) We will discuss whether or not they like each article of clothing or if they would wear it themselves. (analysis) They will then work in groups to complete an assignment showing they can match the parts of the body with the article of clothing worn on that part of the body. (evaluation)
III. ACOS Standards
1. Recognize target language words and phrases spoken in context.
Examples: basic commands, classroom objects, cognates
Using the target language in oral and written form in the present time frame, including salutations, farewells, expressions of courtesy, likes, dislikes, feelings, emotions, agreement, disagreement, requests, descriptions, sequenced information, and cultural references where appropriate to interact in a variety of situations
2. Interpret basic oral and written information in the target language on a variety of topics in the present time frame.
Identifying main ideas with some details
Guessing words and phrases based on context
Responding to basic instructions and questions
8. Identify similarities and differences between words in the target language and in English, including pronunciation, intonation, stress patterns, and simple written conventions of language.
IV. Teaching/Learning Procedures:
Describe the activities and strategies used to accomplish the lesson objectives. Include the time required for each activity in a column to the left of the activity.
Time Activity
2. Interpret basic oral and written information in the target language on a variety of topics in the present time frame.
Identifying main ideas with some details
Guessing words and phrases based on context
Responding to basic instructions and questions
8. Identify similarities and differences between words in the target language and in English, including pronunciation, intonation, stress patterns, and simple written conventions of language.
IV. Teaching/Learning Procedures:
Describe the activities and strategies used to accomplish the lesson objectives. Include the time required for each activity in a column to the left of the activity.
Time Activity
A. Motivation/Introduction (5 minutes )
Review what we have discussed regarding the vocabulary, verb tenses, descriptive adjectives. Then, I will briefly talk about the questions they will be asked about the pictures/clothing they see.
B. Teaching/Learning Activities
1. Using PowerPoint (actual clothing will be used later in the unit), students will be shown a picture of each article of clothing. We will discuss the article of clothing and where/how it is worn. We will also discuss the parts of the body and where each article of clothing is worn. Students will repeat after me and work on pronunciation as I walk through the room and hear their pronunciations. (30 minutes)
2. Students will work together on an activity that requires them to be able to match the part of the body with the article of clothing that is worn on each part. They will finish this activity for homework. (10 minutes)
C. Closure
Briefly review the content we discussed prior to today. Then, conduct a short “remember what we talked about” session before class is dismissed and allow time for questions. Give a teaser for tomorrow's lesson. (5 minutes)
V. Materials/Media
No extraneous supplies are required for this lesson.
VI. Accommodations/Modifications
I will follow students’ IEPs.
VII. Assignments
Complete the activity outlined in class. Work may be started in groups, but must be completed by each student.
VIII. Assessment
A. Informal (Describe)
1. While teaching the vocabulary and drilling students, watch their faces, expressions, and participation during drills (movement of their mouths). Move around to stand near students who seem distracted.
2. While they are working in groups, move through the class and stand near students who seem to be off task.
B. Formal
To be completed at a later date.
IX. Professional Reflection
To be completed at a later date.
That's a good, solid first lesson. Nicely done.