Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lesson Plan #2, Day 1 of Unit 2

Subject: Spanish
Topic: Fashion
Time Allotment: 50 minutes
Grade Level: 9-12
Teaching Date

I. Instructional Goals

Students will be introduced to the unit concept with a youtube video. The video will engage and excite them.

II. Performance Objectives

Students will watch a video and discuss their opinions about it.

III. Unit Standards

1. Recognize target language words and phrases spoken in context.
Examples: basic commands, classroom objects, cognates

Using the target language in oral and written form in the present time frame, including salutations, farewells, expressions of courtesy, likes, dislikes, feelings, emotions, agreement, disagreement, requests, descriptions, sequenced information, and cultural references where appropriate to interact in a variety of situations

2. Interpret basic oral and written information in the target language on a variety of topics in the present time frame.

Identifying main ideas with some details
Guessing words and phrases based on context
Responding to basic instructions and questions

IV. Teaching/Learning Procedures:

Activity Time

A. Motivation/Introduction (5 minutes)

Briefly introduce the video.

B. Teaching/Learning Activities (40 minutes)

Watch the “One Semester of Spanish Spanish Love Song”. Discuss the parts of the video that they like. Review a few of the basic adjectives used in the video; they will be used later in the unit to describe fashions. Highlight the false cognate “remembro”, used in the video, for discussion of false cognates later.

C. Closure

Wrap up the discussion. Give a teaser for tomorrow's lesson.

V. Materials/Media

Computer, video equipment if it is not permanent in the classroom.

VI. Accommodations/Modifications

I will follow students’ IEPs.

VII. Assignments

No homework.

VIII. Assessment

A. Informal (Describe)

Watch students' faces and body language to ensure they are engaged. Move through the class and stand near students who seem distracted.

B. Formal

To be completed at a later date.

IX. Professional Reflection

To be completed at a later date.

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